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Luis Daniel Chao

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Daniel Chao holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the National University of Entre Ríos of Argentina (UNER). He is a specialist in Regional History and holds a degree in Social Communication from the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE, Argentina); he is an Assistant Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and an academic at the Institute for Geohistorical Research (IIGHI-CONICET-UNNE) and the Department of Social Communication at UNNE. He is part of the Núcleo de Estudios Contemporáneos sobre Estado, Política y Sociedad (NECEPS), where he co-directs the project "Cultura política en tiempos violentos. Political practices, statehood and authoritarianism in Chaco, Corrientes and Formosa (1946-1989)", and the study group on governmentalities (GEG-UNNE). His lines of research are social and political studies of the war, post-war and armed conflicts, linked to the history of the social question and the perspective of governmentality. In addition to publishing in various journals, he is the author of the book ¿Qué hacer con los héroes? Los veteranos de Malvinas como problema de Estado (2021), co-author of the book El gobierno como problema. Objetos y abordajes en clave de gubernamentalidad (2019) and coordinator, together with María del Mar Solís Carnicer, of the book Violencias del pasado reciente en el Nordeste Argentino. Repressions, resistances and politics in Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa and Misiones (1955-1983) (2022).