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Fascism, Fascisms: 100 Years
Matías Emiliano Casas, Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero/CONICET
Karen Esther Donoso Fritz, Universidad de Santiago de Chile/Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Invented traditions are a set of regulated practices intended to instill values and standards of conduct. Its creation has also been linked to the interests of the ruling class that strives to govern the selection process. In Latin America, studies on the invention of traditions also reflected on the creation of cultural stereotypes. Every stereotype is a simplification aimed at homogenizing and fixing in time. Throughout history, both constructions, invented traditions and cultural stereotypes, have modeled behavioral patterns, promoted a common identification and established bonds of solidarity. Cultural stereotypes promote mechanisms of differentiation between "us" and "others". The consecration of stereotypes causes tensions, negotiations, disputes and impositions that are processed in different ways.
This dossier aims to bring together recent studies on both topics considering the following axes:
- Processes of creation and consolidation of traditions and cultural stereotypes
- Heterogeneity of actors involved in these processes and the effects on the societies involved
- Legitimation strategies used by the various actors in the promotion and dissemination of invented traditions and cultural stereotypes
- Cultural exchanges in Latin America
- Definition of identities, creation of traditions and configuration of local cultural stereotypes in a transnational perspective
Closing date of the call: 30 April, 2024
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